Monday, August 30, 2010


Sometimes, I get home and simply vegetate. I don't watch TV, I don't get on the computer. No reading, no writing. I simply pause. What's wrong with this picture?

Nothing! After day after day of tasks and busywork, taking an hour to stop everything is OK. Is this considered laziness? Absolutely not. Laziness conjures images of
procrastination and avoidance. For us TYPE A personality folks, vegetating for a brief time period is actually recommended. This creates mental space in your brain, physical healing in your body, and a "re-balancing" effect on your perspective.

When you vegetate, try not to start creating lists- the point of pausing is to STOP thinking about tasks left undone. The point is to find this empty space (it's somewhere deep down in there). What might you find? A moment of peace? Hmm....

The perfect example: my dog Indiana Jones. He's "full steam ahead" during the day- running after squirrels, trying to climb trees, swimming in the baby pool, and generally doing his "doggy" stuff. He's a busy boy- something is always happening. But every now and again something strange happens: He goes on "Screen Saver Mode." His neck literally drops while he's standing- his eyes focused on something far away. He could stay like this for up to 5 minutes. He is pausing. Resting his neck. (this has nothing to do with him being a bird dog- although he does "point").

Some of you may have no trouble with taking 10 minutes to look into the deep space galaxy of the ceiling. Some of you may have no quarrels with veggin' out on the sofa in your living room (dubbed "The Barge"). This message is for those of us who do:

Allow yourself.

Even the Energizer Bunny takes a breather..

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Facts About Adrenaline

Years ago I was diagnosed with complete adrenal failure. Apparently, due to my driven nature, I literally ran my adrenal glands dry. The little glands, located above your kidneys are about the size of grapes. They produce cortisol and help control energy levels in the body. After blood work and saliva tests, we figured out that mine were dry! They had stopped producing these chemicals. So this is why I was feeling tired so often! This is why I was so busy-natured and "energizer bunny" nonstop action. So I was doing some research about addictions, and up popped Adrenaline Addiction. I had no idea what it was- but just wanted to share!

Did you know that Adrenaline can be an addiction? It manifests in excessive television, internet usage, shopping, arguing etc. The adrenal glands were designed for emergencies only!! None of this long-term usage that we get caught up in.

Adrenal glands produce cortisol: adrenaline affects the heart; cortisol affects the brain. Stress is the root of all adrenaline addiction. There are emotional consequences to adrenaline addiction and people often experience physical consequences. The underlying cause for adrenaline addiction are:
  • The need to numb painful feelings
  • Crisis of meaninglessness
  • Crisis of purposelessness
The symptoms of adrenaline addiction include obsessing over things left undone, feelings of guilt when idle, strong compulsion to be doing something all the time. People should face emotions directly because this can confront the underlying issues inside of adrenaline addiction.

People recovering from adrenaline addiction will often have important changes to make. According to Dr. Hart, worship and relaxation should offer peacefulness. Try to:
  • Manage adrenaline
  • Pay attention to physical symptoms of stress: sleep issues, depression, fatigue, restlessness
Some important changes to make when dealing with adrenaline addiction:
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Personality changes
  • Enhance peacefulness
  • Incorporate healthy physical changes
  • Disengagement strategies
  • Anger Control
Practical Suggestions include:
  • Face emotions directly
  • Learn to live within limits
  • Create healthy boundaries
  • Allow yourself to slow down: It's ok to rest!
Resources: Addiction and Recovery. Dr. Archibald Hart. Light University.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

September 11

The time around September 11th is tender to our country. It's a time to remember, pause, and look ahead. I feel great sadness for all the lives that were lost on this day. The death toll of the attacks was 2,995, including the 19 hijackers. The overwhelming majority of casualties were civilians, including nationals of over 70 countries. I feel intense anger towards the action of those who planned it. Ultimately, I feel an urge to share Jesus with such people. I feel a deeper sadness longing for the souls that were lost on this day.

I feel vulnerable, uncertain, paranoid, and unsafe around this time of year: fear of another attack. Oddly enough, I always travel during this time. I see the protection our country is exhibiting, the effect this attack has tolled- a constant reminder of my safety. On the same note, I know our country has come a long way since that morning in 2001. Within my soul, I know that God's hand was protecting our country from even worse destruction on that day. Sometimes it's hard to see a kind and gracious God in attacks as horrible as this. Why does God let bad things happen to His people?

I know God is involved in everything. His love is deeper than anything imaginable. His plans are wider and higher than anyone's. I must believe that God's hand was on the pulse of the nation to bring comfort in our sadness and bring us closer. This is our God: A God of purpose, comfort, direction, compassion, and guidance. He is the One we have waited for.

God cannot be put in a box of labels. I cannot with a right mind say, "Oh- God planned this" or "God let this happen." God does big things, bigger than any of us can foresee. His ways are unknowable. I am passionate about leaning closer to Him every day. My feelings of anger, vulnerability, and uncertainty are in my sinful nature: I know that people in theirs can do bad things. My trust lies in Jesus Christ. Above anyone else in this world, He is the one that I rely on for my comfort and counsel.

In our human nature, we are capable of horrible things. We create rubble, destruction, death. This is expected of such a fallen world. We all feel the toll of other's sinful natures. We all fall ourselves. Jesus died to save us from this destruction. His nature is redemptive. No matter the sins of the nation, He forgives his children.

Looking ahead, I must accept His whisper saying, "My child, I love you. My child, I protect you. My child, I died for you."

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

August 18 2010

"Expect to encounter adversity in your life, remembering that you live in a deeply fallen world. Stop trying to find a way that circumvents difficulties. The main problem with an easy life is that it masks your need for Me. When you became a Christian, I infused My very Life into you, empowering you to live on a supernatural plane by depending on Me.

Anticipate coming face to face with impossibilities: situations totally beyond your ability to handle. This awareness of your inadequacy is not something you should try to evade. It is precisely where I want you- the best place to encounter Me in My Glory and Power. When you see armies of problems marching toward you, cry out to Me! Allow Me to fight for you. What Me working on your behalf, as you rest in the shadow of My Almighty Presence.

-Rev. 19:1; Psalm 91:1"

Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Friday, August 13, 2010

It's Ok to Question Yourself

I guess being a coach always has me asking questions. Questions to challenge, to grow, to create.
I challenge myself every day:
  • How can I best be used by God?
  • How can I step outside my comfort zone to show His light to others?
  • When should I say yes or no?
  • How can I better understand His Word in me?
  • How can I use every minute to spread this Love?
I grow myself every day:
  • How can I keep walking in Him?
  • Why should I be uncomfortable being stagnant?
  • When can I use my gifts to further His kingdom?
  • What is He trying to show me RIGHT NOW?
  • When is it Him and when is it me?
I create myself every day:
  • When should I rest in Him?
  • When should I try a different perspective?
  • What does heaven on earth look like?
  • How can I show His Love in a new way? See it in a new way?
  • How can I capture this Joy to show to others? In what words?
  • How can I express this stream of Peace that deepens every day?
Question yourself every day. Become satisfied with movement in Him. If you try to move without Him, you'll find yourself stuck, worn out, confused and broken. Only Jesus can heal and lift you into your purpose. Keep searching- Jesus' blessings are everywhere.