Tuesday, June 1, 2010



Since God is the author and creator of my limits, then it is probably OK with Him that I have limits.

He probably does not expect me to be infinite and is a little surprised when I try.

It is OK with Him if I am not all things to all people all the time all by myself.

As a matter of fact, it is probably not OK with Him if I assume otherwise.

You see, it is OK for me to have limits - God doesn't.

It is OK to get a good night's sleep- God doesn't sleep.

It is OK for me to rest- God doesn't need to.

It is probably even OK to be depressed- because God isn't.

We do not know a lot about what heaven looks like, but this much we know:

God is not pacing the throne room anxious and depressed because of the condition of the world.

He knows, He is not surprised, and He is sovereign.

It is OK if we have limits. He is able.

-Richard A Swenson, The Overload Syndrome

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