Sunday, May 30, 2010

Jonah and the Wale- quoted from The Lonely Polygamist

"...the glistening liver upon which Jonah made his bed at night and the wash of spiky and tentacled sea creatures, dead and alive, foaming around the prophet's legs while he implored the Almighty for mercy. It took three days, apparently, for the great fish to tire of having his kidney used as a bean bag, and when Jonah was vomited up on the beach..."Oh Jonah! God's reluctant servant! Look at him there, washed up on that foreign shore! Half blind and tangled up in seaweed and whatnot. And that horrible smell? It's Jonah, people, covered with fish parts and digestive juices and so forth. It's pathetic old Jonah, pale and wrinkled like he's spent the weekend in a pickle barrel, blinking and looking around at the sand and the water and the tropical greenery and all that dazzling light after so much darkness. Imagine it, people! The ocean breeze in the nostrils, the sound of the surf and the wind in the palms. Imagine the wonder. The humble gratitude. Oh praise be my King on High, can you hear Jonah say it? Imagine the grace, the sweetness of that second chance."

The Lonely Polygamist by Brady Udall. pg. 412.

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