Saturday, June 5, 2010

His Yoke is Easy

"For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:30

When I was a kid, I used to think this verse had to do with eggs, maybe an omelet? Since then I have learned the history behind this verse. If you have a second, I'd love to share:

In Jesus' time, the rabbi's would all have specific opinions, teachings, and a 'way' of doing things. They would speak the yoke of the Torah or the Law. In fact, you could kind of compare it to politicians. Each rabbi would have an opinion of what the scriptures meant, have a specific path for their followers. The rabbi's had so many interpretations of the Law, it became a burden to those trying to follow. Got it? Ok.

Each rabbi would have many apprentices in line to work with him in hopes of one day replacing him. The rabbi would allow only one at the end of a long trial period (something of ten years). The apprentices would memorize the entire Torah, starting at age ten. They would all study this rabbi's yoke, follow him from city to city, teaching to teaching. After this ten year trial period, the rabbi would then pick only one of these young boys to follow him to learn his yoke as a future replacement. can you imagine having to memorize the entire Torah? What if you didn't get picked as "The" apprentice? What would you do with your life? Would you have to learn another rabbi's yoke?

This was a complicated, rough, tedious, and intricate way of learning the rabbi's way.

Jesus came to give Life. His yoke (teaching) is easy- simply believe in Him and you will have this Life. There are no stipulations, rules, or a ten year trial period. His burden of interpretation is light. It's not something you have to carry around in your arms, or memorize, or only hope that he'll pick you. Simply believe. Love in return.

This passage is not about eggs! It's about the everlasting love of Jesus Christ which is easy to understand. There may be many interpretations of the Bible out there, but there is only One Jesus. One Way. One Love. It's easy, at the price of Jesus' crucification it's free, and in the dwelling of the Holy Spirit we no longer have to strive after a way to salvation. We can thrive in Him!

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