Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Step One: God sets up a beautiful style of DOMINOS in a design we can't even see from our perspective.

Step Two: Sometimes God rearranges these DOMINOS as He has always known He would. Whether this be allowing Satan to move, push, or take away a few, God always knows best for your purpose.

Step Three: Allow the rearranging, falling, and even tipping of these DOMINOS to happen. take a deep breath during this step. You'll need it. Let your anxieties peak without freaking out, allowing your brain to understand that this situation has a purpose. Let your fears be released. Let your doubt be erased and replaced with TRUTH.

Step Four: The DOMINOS all have a purpose in your life. God is moving them as always planned. Let it happen and don't be a control freak.

He knows my doubt.

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