Tuesday, September 22, 2009

If You DON'T Snooze, You LOSE!!!

At the World Conference of Christian Counselors, I went to a lecture with the above appropriated title. Having insomnia since early infancy, I was a little sceptical about the information to be presented. I have tried just about every option in the insomniacs personal stash: a new high tech mattress, velvet blankets, pillows, noise machines, fans, awesome pjs, warm milk, sleep drugs in every category known to man, tea, baths, meditation, prayer..you name it- it's right here. In addition to trying everything, I have also paid for psychiatrists (with much success I might add), talk therapy, muscle testing, holistic medicine... the works. You get the idea.

So here it was, 8:45am. I was loaded with coffee walking into a lecture on sleep. Dr. Lyles was blessed with a humerous outlook that helped all of us stay focused on not falling asleep! Here are some of the most profound facts:

If you sleep under 4 hours a night here is what happens to your body:

  • Decrease in: mood, cognition, vigilence/reflexes, pain tolerence, immune function, glucose metabolism, pulmonary functions, growth/thyroid/prolactin/leptin hormones, seizure threshold

  • Increase in: blood pressure, inflammatory ctokines, eveing cortisol, caloric intake after one night of deprivation.

  • Every night you sleep under 4 hours a night.....IT TAKES 3 DAYS TO RECOVER!!!!!!

Psychiatric Disorders & Sleep

  • Anxiety: Initial( can't fall asleep)/middle (wake up in the middle of the night) insomnia (50% GAD patients). Bedtime Worry/Tension

  • Mania: Decreased need for sleep and decreasded total sleep time. Insomnia is predictive of relapse into mania.

  • PTSD: Nightmares, Increase REM density, inability to maintain sleep.

  • Panic Disorder: nocturnal panic attacks.

Depression & Sleep

  • 20% of insomniacs have depression

  • Sleep disturbance and fatigue are predictive of future depression

  • Increased rates of relapse in remitted depressed patients with continuing sleep disturbance

  • Initual (can't fall sleep), middle (wake up in the middle of the night) or terminal insomina

  • Atypical depression goes into hypersmonia

  • Single night sleep deprivation may temporarily decrease depression (a nap reverses it).


  • Diffuse musculoskeletal pain, chronic fatigue, non-restorative sleep and tender points in the muscles

  • Unique presensce of Alpha waves during NREM sleep, esp. stages 3 & 4

  • Highly associated with depression

  • Treatment of sleep disorder is a core priority

Sleep Hygiene to Enhance Nighttime Sleep

  • Avoid naps during the day

  • Regular bedtime and rise times

  • Avoid non-sleeping time in bed

  • Avoid alcohol, nicotine, or caffiene

  • Minimize exercise near bedtime

  • Maximize bed comfort and room temperature

  • Elimiate light and noise

  • Get out of bed if unable to initiate sleep and try again later

  • Avoid mental work near bedtime

Sleep: If You Don't Snooze: You Lose- Michael Lyles, M.D. Notes, Powerpoint. As seen from AACC World Conference, 2009.

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