Saturday, July 18, 2009

When it Rains, It Pours!

In Raleigh, NC this week we had quite a monsoon! Aside from lightning and high winds, it was the rain that amazed me: the constant sheer force of a downpour for several days. Sheets of rain, torrents of liquefying get the idea.

Most of us Type A Personalities (driven, hard working, competent) tend to get burnt out quickly and do nothing about it. Most of the time, we work too hard, love too hard, or simply 'be' at higher levels than is expected of us. Our adrenal depletion and cortisol levels start to mimic those strange salmon who swim upstream in mating season. We just keep going, even though we know we're tired.

I embrace my Type A Personality. However, embracing this God-given personality means to take care of the weaknesses too. In those times in my life when it 'pours', re-evaluation is needed, deeper rest, time away from work or stress related triggers, the list goes on. God gives us responsibilities not to weaken us, but to embrace and grow our area of comfort.

Sometimes, when it rains, it pours. Work never trickles in, it pours in torrents all at once. I recently learned that dreams of water or rain can refer to a time of cleansing or sharpening. So true! Those times in our life where everything happens at once can all seem like a blur; in the moment they last forever!

  • Extend: Find those encouraging support networks (your best friend, your church, your mom/dad), and simply extend your need of prayer.
  • Journal! This has been a big help in my life. Journal your dreams, your daily activities, your stressors, anything to help 'unload' your brain. Find a journal that inspires you!
  • Relax. Exercise, walk, take many naps, play with the dog, pray, have some 'you' time. This releases endorphins in the brain that help reduce stress.
  • Delegate and Organize! If your work load is too overwhelming and you simply can't get out of your whirlwind, try to first organize your thoughts and tasks. Also organizing your surroundings has a HUGE effect on negative stressers. Delegating your responsibility (if possible) to help get the work load off is also a great idea, but not an excuse for avoidance.

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