Thursday, December 2, 2010

Glittery Gifts

Christmas is my favorite Holiday. I love to organize, decorate, make things cozy, and bundle up in my house. I love to give- not just 'stuff' and presents, but happiness, companionship, friendship and hospitality. When I was a tike, I would make these enormous glittery holiday cards and decorate random objects that suddenly became beautiful. A pine cone adorned with glitter and paint suddenly was the most beautiful thing hanging from the tree; string of popcorn with cranberries left out to the birds was the coolest gift; wrapping and re-wrapping my presents just because I was so excited to give them.

The traditions of Christmas can cause symptoms of coveting, greed, overspending, a spirit of busyness, or general malaise. Sometimes we can get too focused on what we're going to 'get' instead of what we're going to give. In Genesis is a great story about giving: Cain (a prosperous farmer) and his brother Abel (a simple shepherd) were called by God to give their best to God. In those days, sacrifices were the standard. Cain decided to give God his second-best crops (because he wanted to keep the best for himself). Abel brought God his best livestock. God then accepted Abel's give because it was given from a pure heart. Rejecting Cain's crops, God favored Abel's gift. The story ends with Cain getting ticked off and killing his younger brother. Whoops!
I'm not suggesting giving all your best things away for Christmas.I'm not suggesting to go buy top-dollar gifts either. This is more about the motive of your heart. People come and go, gifts to others are thoughtful in the moment and tradition of Christmas; God is eternal. What are you bringing Him? Is it your second-best? Are you trying to keep something to yourself this Christmas?

Glittery presents and beautiful gifts are of this world, they will one day be thrown away, given to the Goodwill, and eventually become buried with all our trash. Don't focus on the external.

In what ways would you change your heart this Christmas?

Be glittery on the inside too!