Saturday, April 17, 2010

April 17th 2010

From Jesus Calling by Sarah Young:

I am training you in steadiness. Too many things interrupt your awareness of Me. I know that you live in a world of sigh and sound, but you must not be a slave to those stimuli. Awareness of Me can continue in all circumstances, no matter what happens. This is the steadiness I desire in you.

Don't let unexpected events throw you off course. Rather, respond calmly and confidently, remembering that I am with you. As soon as something grabs your attention, talk with Me about it. Thus I share your joys and your problems; I help you cope with whatever is before you. this is how I live in you and worth through you. This is the way of Peace.

Psalm 112: 7, "He will have no fear of bad news;
his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD."

Isaiah 41:10, "So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

How Can We Not Say "Yes"?

Could it be that we try to follow in other's footsteps? Pressure? Expectations? What if being present all along; what if freedom and peace was the only a decision away? what if all you had to do was say "yes" to Him?
There is true freedom in Jesus. No one else can hold your hand (even when you choose to ignore it, or don't want it). Jesus will never give up on you.
What if you said "yes" to freedom?
There is a whole new layer on the "yes" side. Like an onion: sheer, thin, but interconnecting in independent on it's own. We know already what exists: what we can say "no" to (greed, pride, knowledge, lust...).
We only have a taste, such sweet sweet taste, of what we might say "yes" can we not crave it? How can we not feel incomplete? How can we not be intoxicated with the Holy Spirit? How can we not deny His neverending love?
How can we not say "yes" to open doors to everything He has to offer? How can we turn down everlasting life?

How can we not be intoxicated, overwhelmed, submersed, blown away by Jesus' glory?